Monday, March 24, 2008

See This Movie! Now playing.

"It's a dance, a combination of athleticism and self-expression," says one aficionado. "It takes courage and discipline, but it can provoke in the audience a keener awareness of the joy and the pain of life."

More than one person has caught a similarity between break dancing and the Spanish bullfight. Not an obvious one to many, but it's been brought up enough to warrant attention. B-boying (the real name for "break dancing," also called b-girling when the performer is female) has been featured in Hollywood movies like "Flashdance," "Step-Up" - and now in a beautiful new documentary film called "Planet B-Boy."

The movie premiered last weekend in NY and LA and is coming soon to other U.S. cities. Director Benson Lee's beautiful treatment of the subject leaves audiences misty-eyed and inspired. (Planet B-boy was the country's best-selling art-house premiere last weekend.)

There's nothing like a real documentary - beautifully shot and executed - to prove that subjects oft-treated by Hollywood are far more compelling in real life, when backed up with great cinematography and music.

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